
Second Draft: Bowstring - The Archer's Fable, 124 Pages
First Draft: Bowstring - The Robber's Rose, 23 Pages

Thursday, July 28, 2011

28th of July, 2011 - Just a quick update

Sorry it's been a while. Editing, y'know. I've got 69 pages done, and the total page count thus far has increased to 119 pages. So it's pretty safe to assume that it'll get over 120 pages, I'd think... But yeah. To warn ahead of time, I don't know how much I'll be posting in August, as I'll be busy/away allot. I will be working on Bowstring while I can, you just won't get as many updates so frequently as previous months. Lots of Traveling in August. Just thought I'd say so you don't all think I've let the blog die or something like that. Hopefully post again before I'm off.

Mountains of Parchment

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

19th of July, 2011 - More editing...

Went up north to my family's new holiday home. Pretty cool up there. I took my netbook computer so I could get some editing done. Act 2A is now in second draft! Hooray! That's 48 pages so far. Also while I was away I FINALLY started working on a locations list so that I know what I'll need... Locations for two Ranger assemblies (got one picked already.), four lots of fields, two forests (technically one forest, but two parts of it), four villages/towns- (good luck me), a cabin, stables, and an inn (good luck again me with finding things period-fitting.), then the castle gardens, courtyard and courtroom... some marshes (Though we know where we want to do that), a bridge (hopefully by some fields?) and then three locations I've vaguely marked as 'various', as their locations aren't so important... (I've found one I wanna use as 'various'.)

So I've got three locations sorta vaguely picked, and ideas for a few others, so it's a start. :) Maybe I'll post pictures sometime when I've got more location scouting done. That'd be a neat thing to do... Oh! So also, I've made a list for casting to keep track of who's acting who. Anddddd I've started a list of ideas for promotional stuff todo with teh movie for when it nears release. You can never have to many promotional ideas. They include things like Cosplay (Costume Play) stunts, vlogging things and some random funny misc-video stuff related to Bowstring. They make me grin just thinking of them, so hopefully they'll work well. But that's it for this update!

Mountains of Parchment

Saturday, July 16, 2011

16th of July, 2011 - Editing is my weak point

As mentioned before, editing really is my weak-point. I can read the script over and over for read throughs, but for some reason, I just have a hard time editing... It's quite frustrating. Music helps. Haven't been listening to enough music lately- or if I have, it hasn't had enough variety. I should do that more...

So, what I didn't mention in my last blogpost is another thing I was working on in regards to Bowstring, is working on a character design. I'm aware we have, like- no budget, so the film will be made on whatever people are willing to contribute, but I wanted to go ahead design this... I was working on Shadowleaf, and I decided to call my little session: "Planning Awesomeness". Pretty epic title for a planning session by yourself, eh? So I worked on things from colors and outfits, to weapons and practicality.

Generally different types of characters achieve "awesome" in different ways. The Sheriff of Nottingham (BBC's Robin Hood) was awesome because as a baddie. He really didn't have any issues with dispatching of random civilians, or hanging people/cutting out tongues; it was all fitting to his character. In fact, in his extremity and how he was portrayed as such so perfectly, added to his awesome factor. Don't get me wrong, hanging people and cutting out tongues is bad; don't do that, okay? But that's who the Sheriff is. He'd give the orders as this epic boss dude, and watch his guards do the dirty work- though occasionally doing some of said work himself -while he enjoyed his 'poetry of pain', ... I'm getting to into this, aren't I?

Moving on... Let's pick a good character for comparison this time, eh? Lemme think about that for a moment... Thinking... Thinking... Thinking... Let's stick with BBC Robin Hood, since that show is awesome. Marian. Hopefully without spoilers, she's awesome for her correctness. She's not a dumb damsel in distress, but she doesn't try too hard to be tough either. For a longggggggg time, she had the Sheriff and Guy fooled with her brilliantly tactical words, finding every loophole in a seemingly incriminating conversation. She'd leave just enough bait for Guy and the Sheriff to fall for some of hers ploys without landing in hot water. Now, sometimes her cleverness can be annoying too, but there's mostly a lot of win and genius with Marian. She is awesome; Robin's lucky to have a spy like her on his side. But enough Robin Hood now, even though it's awesome in general.

WARNING: Too much awesome can be lethal. If you are awesome, make sure you can control your awesomeness so you don't accidentally kill people with it. And don't nod at birds either, that's dangerous too. Back to Bowstring. Hopefully we'll have some "awesome" characters.

Updated the progress thingy. Up to 32 Pages! Hooray! I should really work on editing more... It's just getting into it that I have a hard time with. Once I do actually get going, I make a fair amount of progress. I got 11 pages done tonight... More than most other times. But I should call it a night. Hopefully get some more done tomorrow... Without procrastination. (No offense Pony-la, I do quite enjoy perusing ProcrastiNation, but it's very distracting when you're writing to work on a project.) Heehee.

Mountains of Parchment

Monday, July 11, 2011

11th of July, 2011 - Second Draft

So here I am sitting with 21 pages of the second draft done. Editing has always been my weak point. I just seem to have a hard time concentrating. Before anyone says anything, I don't think it's writer's block; had that before and this is different. I'm just easily distracted. Hehe. But hey, I'm on scene 15 of 48. So that's 33 more scenes to go. Not too bad. Not exactly one fifth, but almost'ish. Through editing the page numbers keep on changing... Heh. Just thougth I'd let y'all know where I'm at.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6th of July, 2011 - The next phase!

I've had a week-long break now from Bowstring and haven't looked at the script in that time. It's time for the next phase; the second draft! Particularly this time going through, I'll be looking for the usual mistakes, and paying more attention to character actions so that people aren't just standing and talking. Not that they only stood and talked before- that'd be dumb. But it's tweaking and fine-tuning. I'll add another line to the Progress gadget thing saying where I'm at in the second draft. I love updating things like that. Hehe.

Mountains of Parchment