
Second Draft: Bowstring - The Archer's Fable, 124 Pages
First Draft: Bowstring - The Robber's Rose, 23 Pages

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

19th of July, 2011 - More editing...

Went up north to my family's new holiday home. Pretty cool up there. I took my netbook computer so I could get some editing done. Act 2A is now in second draft! Hooray! That's 48 pages so far. Also while I was away I FINALLY started working on a locations list so that I know what I'll need... Locations for two Ranger assemblies (got one picked already.), four lots of fields, two forests (technically one forest, but two parts of it), four villages/towns- (good luck me), a cabin, stables, and an inn (good luck again me with finding things period-fitting.), then the castle gardens, courtyard and courtroom... some marshes (Though we know where we want to do that), a bridge (hopefully by some fields?) and then three locations I've vaguely marked as 'various', as their locations aren't so important... (I've found one I wanna use as 'various'.)

So I've got three locations sorta vaguely picked, and ideas for a few others, so it's a start. :) Maybe I'll post pictures sometime when I've got more location scouting done. That'd be a neat thing to do... Oh! So also, I've made a list for casting to keep track of who's acting who. Anddddd I've started a list of ideas for promotional stuff todo with teh movie for when it nears release. You can never have to many promotional ideas. They include things like Cosplay (Costume Play) stunts, vlogging things and some random funny misc-video stuff related to Bowstring. They make me grin just thinking of them, so hopefully they'll work well. But that's it for this update!

Mountains of Parchment

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