Twenty-two. Hooray! The Robber's Rose, first draft, has come out at twenty-two pages, including title page. I've sent it through to my Mum to read, before I send it to a few other people. (You know who you are.) So now that that part is done, it's the minor-ish tweaking stage! Easier to get other things done at this stage. But yeah, big relief that The Robber's Rose didn't grow so rapidly like The Archer's Fable did. I believe I've said before how TAF was planned to be a short, but kinda grew in page count until it was feature-lengh. TRR thankfully has pretty much landed exactly on my word goal. The ending came out fairly nicely, leading onto the teaser I wrote for The Archer's Fable. Next, I'll write the second teaser, as that'll only be about a page.
So, less roles required for the short, by far; eight with dialog, and some of which are very minor. John, Mendel, Cassian, Bernard, Argento, Darren, Village Boy, Shady Man. Hopefully we'll be able to have a few people interested. In other news: I watched Lord of the Rings, Hooray! Awesomeness. MORE other news: Gonna start going through ha bunch of tutorials and stuff, learning after effects and playing around. Hoorah! Short update, but an update.
Mountains of Parchment
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