Hey everyone, Icey here!
Some friends and I started a project a while back, which has been unnamed until recently- recently being a couple hours ago. The project is called "Bowstring", and it's a movie. (It'll probably end up as movie series, or saga if you like.) So, my friends and I, (I'll call them Foley Man and Dannflow for now, as I have yet to ask them if I can call them otherwise on here.) have been working on Bowstring for a couple months now. When I say that of course, since we're in the early script writing stage, I guess mostly I've been working on it. They've been giving me feedback, and we've discussed ideas about a few things in the movie. Here's something that'll seem a bit strange though, probably: I'm writing the movies out of order. Two, one, three... and then we'll see what happens from there. At least Star Wars followed SOME order!
I guess I would probably explain what Bowstring is... The story's basis is in Fantasy/Medieval-styled Fiction. It's party inspired by a few things. Australian author John Flanagan's "Ranger's Apprentice" book series, and BBC's "Robin Hood" Television series. (I highly recommend both. Generally at least 11) The second movie in Bowstring, I've written most of the first draft script for. It's mostly about the characters Caleb and John. Both are Rangers, a group of people who's skill with a bow is renown, and who's skill in undetected movement is remarkable. They help keep law in the land, but unfortunately, a few years prior to the majority of the story, an assassin has killed the King. Galen, the assassin-now-king, has driven the Rangers into hiding while he exploits the country's resources to hunt the Rangers and get his revenge. Caleb, John, and a few other characters form a small rebellion against Galen, and plan to restore the throne back to the royal family- which by now is mostly dead. (They're slightly alive! All dead, only one thing you can do. Go through their clothes and look for loose change.) Ooo, parenthesizes! (Killing characters; that seems it happen a lot in stories/movies, doesn't it? I have friends who when their story gets boring, they just kill a character. Ahhh, plot development. Now THAT'S progress.)
So I'm keeping this blog because- well, if this project gets up and running, it might be useful for future reference, and maybe other people will be encouraged to write scripts and make movies too. I should note, we're a bunch of kids really, and we all have our crazy moments. Just wait 'till you see the bloopers... Heh.
Soooo, you'd probably like to hear the titles we came up with- hopefully Foley Man approves them. -And Dannflow for the last one too, since I didn't get to discuss that one with him.
Bowstring - The Archer's FableBowstring - Veil of TreesBowstring - A Shadow Trail-Icey
Mountains of Parchment