
Second Draft: Bowstring - The Archer's Fable, 124 Pages
First Draft: Bowstring - The Robber's Rose, 23 Pages

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

24th of May, 2011 - Where'd I go?

Hi, Icey here.

So I've written a bit more on the script, only a couple scenes, but at least that's something. I particularly like the recent developments in the latest part; it's quite interesting for John's character development. So that's pretty good. The reason there's so much time between this post and my last is because I had my birthday party in that time. (Doctor Who party on the 21st of May, perfect timing. My actual birthday was the 12th.) So other news since then; talking to Dannflow a few days ago, he hopes we can be filming in the summer holidays later this year. It's almost winter at the moment.

And just thinking at the moment... An interesting conflict in The Archer's Fable; I want to have John learn a particular lesson (he's a bit... how shall I say it? Vengeful, at the start. Not hard-core though, thankfully.) And he's so going to learn by the end, but I expect the movie to have a somewhat tragic ending. Never did I think I would see the day that I wrote a story where the bad guys won. Now although it's only the beginning of the saga, and there's a second movie planned to improve the situation, those that only see the first movie I'm worried will get the impression that being bad will get your way, and being good will hurt you in the end. This is not true in the long run, but I'm concerned it will come across that way... An predicament for me then, who's going to have a character learn a lesson, only then to feel great loss. Though it's true that in doing the right thing, things aren't always easy, I need a way to offset the balance, or else it'll be really dark.

Mountains of Parchment

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