
Second Draft: Bowstring - The Archer's Fable, 124 Pages
First Draft: Bowstring - The Robber's Rose, 23 Pages

Friday, June 17, 2011

17th of June, 2011 - I'm going to be nice!

Hopefully I'm gonna get some writing done today. It doesn't help that I slept in until 10:50 AM today... Whoops. Now, as the title suggests, I'm going to be nice. However in doing so, I guess I'll have to admit I'm not going to be nice, too. I'm giving you a preview of The Archer's Fable; the first three scenes! This is not from the final draft, of course, since that's not done yet. I say this is partly not nice, because you only have three scenes, and not many more. But at least it's something. I feel like GLaDOS... Haha.

But here's another little treat... How about a music track?

This track is called "Galen", it's his theme and is used in multiple variations as the situation demands within the story; my general baddie theme. Shadowleaf's theme has some of Galen's theme in it. A good example of reoccurring themes, in my opinion, would be Star Wars.

Mountains of Parchment

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