
Second Draft: Bowstring - The Archer's Fable, 124 Pages
First Draft: Bowstring - The Robber's Rose, 23 Pages

Sunday, June 5, 2011

5th of June, 2011 - More writing!

Got 8 pages done today, so I'm at 61 pages. All in one scene, for a change, so that's a long scene... Haha... I'm tired... It's only 10 PM though. So from the last version of the script I sent out to my team of readers, Tippie found a typo on page 49; thanks for that. I misspelled "tragedy", how tragic. A few new characters- but not really new, since I've written them before in Veil of Trees. Lilian, Aronele and Reginald. Also a new one, only before mentioned in my back-story notes for John about Edan... A guy called Edwin.

I also came up with a few interesting ideas this evening, which will be pretty cool to tie-in to the script. It involves knights and false accusations and making people not like Rangers more. How sad for them. Poor good guys. Oh well, at least there's still a few on their side. More than they know, in fact.... But.... Spoilers. Hehe. Sorry it's a short post today!

Mountains of Parchment

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