
Second Draft: Bowstring - The Archer's Fable, 124 Pages
First Draft: Bowstring - The Robber's Rose, 23 Pages

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

29th of June, 2011 - Woo-who!

So yesturday- almost today -I mentioned that the first draft is properly done? Well now I've run the spell-checker over it and done that stuff too. No doubt there's still mistakes and typos from me accidentally adding typos to the dictionary. (Whoops.) I've sent the 107 pages out to my little group of readers.; Dannflow, Foley Man, Tippie, Kitty and my Mum. Hopefully they all like it. Heehee! I better get to work cooking that Shepard's pie for the potluck dinner, haahaa. I should do a script read-through tomorrow... After that, my plan is to finish watching Series 3 of Doctor Who, then get to work on the second draft.

Mountains of Parchment

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