
Second Draft: Bowstring - The Archer's Fable, 124 Pages
First Draft: Bowstring - The Robber's Rose, 23 Pages

Thursday, June 23, 2011

23rd of June, 2011 - The End

You read the title right. The End. I've written the end. Well, not literally the words, "the end". I've written the end of The Archer's Fable! I'm not done working on writing it of course. The first draft marks one stage of writing, and I'm fully aware of a few changes and things I still need to add into the script. The climax needs to be more climatic I think. And something to do with a change in John's character needs to be a bit smoother. But yeah. End of the first draft! Woot!

Thinking yesterday on something important- casting. in The Archer's Fable, there are just shy of 30 characters with dialog. Now although nor all of these are main characters (I'd be concerned if I had 30 main characters) and some can be acted by the same actor, there's still going to be a lot of people I need to get come filming. Here's a little list of characters that talk...

John, Mendel, Iven, Galen, Shadowleaf, Edan, Reginald, Lilian, Aronele, Matthew, Edwin, Warrick, Andrew, Jeremy, Apprentice, Villager, Messenger, Woman, Guard1, Guard2, Guard3, Patron1, Patron2, Patron3, Random Noble, Random Patron, Court Member1, Court Member2, Court Member3...

And then I haven't listed groups of people. Those can be made up by some of the above anyway. But yeah, it'll be an interesting process. The only roles that we know for sure who's doing what are: John, Aronele, Shadowleaf and Lilian. Won't this be interesting? Haha.

Mountains of Parchment

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